How I Get Local Businesses Ranking High on Google

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rank high on google seo

If people can’t find your business ranking high on Google, you’ve got a problem. You’ll be missing out on a vast potential customer base, as they all flock to your competitors. It’s a common problem and you’re not alone. Thankfully, there are some steps you can take to rank high on Google relatively easily if you have some money to spend on a skilled SEO content writer.

I’ve helped many small to medium-sized businesses rank high on Google in their local towns and cities; here’s how it’s done (without giving away all my secrets).

How to Rank High on Google Locally?

It’s not as difficult as you think. Unless you’re in an extremely competitive industry in a major city, you probably don’t need a huge social media following or a massive budget. And, although it doesn’t usually happen overnight, in some cases, it actually can. Here’s how it’s done.

Identify Your Location(s)

First off, you need to identify which area you want to target primarily. This is a crucial choice. It needs to be where you’re based, but you might have to be specific. For example, if you own a Fishing Charter in Florida, then ‘Florida’ is going to be very competitive. You can run with Florida, but you’ll have better chances of ranking higher with your local town or county in Florida.

Make a list of all the locations you want to target, as you’ll use these later for location pages!

Steal Your Competitor’s Key Words

Most of the traffic is going to come from specific searches. Consideration is needed here to think about what people are actually likely to search and combine that with your location and service. For example, “Fishing Charters in Pasco, Florida”. I always take a look at what’s working for competitors on the top of Google. I’ll run various combinations to see what works best and also use some handy SEO tools and plugins for data. This is where your SEO content writer’s experience is going to pay off. The more experience they have, the better judgment over keywords they’ll make.

Make a list of the keywords you can use for your home page, other pages and future blogs.


Google My Business is a vital step in optimizing your business’ presence on Google. It’s effectively registering your business on Google. This way, Google suggests your business to people immediately when they search. You’ve probably seen suggested business under a map on Google – that’s exactly what I’m talking about. People can quickly find your business at the very top of Google, with a map, reviews, contact link and website link. Priceless stuff!

Get Content Writing

Most importantly, it’s time to put all your research into content. I use these keywords throughout the home page, in headers, titles and paragraphs. Don’t go crazy; keep it natural. Both Google and readers don’t like keyword clutter.

Each Page is New Chance to Rank

For each page on your site, think of it is a new search term you can rank high locally on Google for. For example, with an ‘Auto Store in Long Island, NY’, the primary search terms were exactly that. But for each other service page, I took the chance to get them to rank high for other terms. Such as “Jeep repairs in Long Island, NY”, “Classic Restorations in Long Island, NY”. You’ve now expanded your reach. At the same time, include those original primary search terms here and there throughout the site.

rank high on google results

High Quality, Long-Form Content

Each page, in my opinion, should be at least 1,000 words. 500 if you’re on a tight budget. The content should be genuinely useful for the reader, helping them understand what your business offers and providing a range of information on the topics. This can help your site receive future backlinks while also being convincing for sales and Google’s algorithms.

  • Go deep into the topic.
  • Cover the topic in a detailed manner.
  • Focus on the keywords you’re trying to rank for.

Location Pages

Location pages are your trick to targeting multiple locations fast. These are landing pages that target the keywords of specific locations, varying with each page. Sometimes, clients ask me for 10-20 different location pages. I have a great trick for making these pages rank, which is a secret I’m afraid.

SEO Blogs

Blogs, blogs, blogs. Blogs reinforce all the work you’ve already put in. They help you dominate alternate searches, backlinks and make you a force in your location. From frequently asked questions to reasons why your business can change a life, SEO blogs should be a weekly or monthly part of your ongoing effort to remain at the top of Google!

Other Tricks

In some cases, the competition can be extremely high, which requires other tricks of the trade to be used. However, if your business isn’t fighting massive multinational companies, I can probably get you ranking on the first page of Google fast! I’ve done it many times and would love to help you if needed.

Meta Tags, SEO slugs etc are all also critical and keywords should be used here wisely.

Hire an SEO Content Writer for Ranking High on Google Locally.

If you want to rank high on Google locally, Loco Content can help. I’ve helped many businesses, both big and small, to rank high on Google, either on the first page or at the top of the first page. I’ve boosted sales massively and helped businesses expand into the online world. Contact me today at to get started!

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