Loco Content’s Tips for SEO Blog Posts

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Tips for SEO Blog Posts from Loco Content

Loco Content SEO Blog Advice

Anyone can write a blog post, but writing an effective SEO blog that boosts your Google ranking takes some expert care. You can’t just fill blogs up with keywords and hope for the best. The copy still needs to read well, and it needs to be structured to please both the reader and search engines. The better the content, the more it will be shared, which will increase the ranking. Here are some of Loco Content‘s key tips, which I’ve learnt through experience:

Keyword Research

This is the boring step, so it often gets overlooked. You’ll need to do some research on what keywords are searched most, what will be most relevant for your site and what particular combination of words is most effective. In my experience, adding a specific location to the keyword string works wonders. For example, “Dog Walker in NYC” will have massive competition. But “Dog Walker in Soho, NYC” immediately puts you in a more niche category.

Loco Content’s Advice for SEO Blog Writing

Add Keywords Subtly

One of the most undervalued skills the best content writers have is their ability to make the writing flow naturally, despite adding many keywords. If you just cram the blog full of keywords, the reader will lose interest quick. It’s what we call “FLUFF.” You need to really think while you write and make sure that the readability is still the number one priority.

What’s the Purpose of the SEO Blog?

With Loco Content, I have a method of writing. First, I devise a title. Then I ask myself:

  • What do the readers need to learn from this blog?
  • What do I need the readers to do? Click a link? Buy? Contact?

Create a Structure for Your SEO Blog

You must have a clear structure. Nobody wants to read 1,000 words of solid text. Break it up with clear headings and sections. I usually make use of the following:

  • An introduction, where I can use keywords.
  • Write some subheadings, so you can clearly identify where to add specific information without repeating yourself.
  • A conclusion, or brief description of the business you’re writing for.

Use Paragraphs Wisely

Most people know they need to use paragraphs, but not everyone knows how to effectively. When there is a change in the topic, then it’s time for a new paragraph. You can also use them wisely when the content is getting a bit overwhelming. Online readers have short attention spans, so you need to give them the chance to move through the content quickly.

Don’t Underestimate Headings!

I love headings. They let me break up blogs into easy to navigate chunks and because Google loves headings too, they’re a great chance to add in some keywords. They also allow you to add your writing to a website super fast, as HTML recognizes them.

Use Yoast or Other SEO Blog Plug-Ins

Here at Loco Content, I always use Yoast (unless the web developer prefers a different method). By following the green light system, you can identify exactly what you need to optimise your content. Of course, there is a slight area of uncertainty with SEO that can only be figured out through personal experience. 

Aim for at Least 500 Words

Google loves longer blogs, and they give you a chance to include a range of effective keywords. But be careful, if you know you’re going to struggle to hit 1k words then don’t ruin the quality by adding pure fluff and filler. You’ll only scare readers and Google away.

Formatting SEO Blogs

Many writers think they need to overuse bolding and italics. In my opinion, there is a knack to it that comes from experience. You need to format the keywords and certain phrases that you’d like the reader to be drawn towards. Don’t forget that getting the capitalisation on headings is important too!

Hire a Professional Content Writer – Loco Content

The easy option for ensuring your SEO blogs are flawless and effective is to hire a professional content writer. Don’t waste your time and money or a cheap “wannabe copywriter.” Hire someone legitimate. 

With Loco Content, I’ve written hundreds of SEO blogs (both on and offsite) that have seen my clients hit the top of Google. If you need some SEO blogs, then feel free to message me at stowe@lococontent.com

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